Posted by : Unknown 28 Okt 2013

1.      Many critics dislike reality TV but one show which has received very favourable reviews is Changing Places. The main idea is simple. Take the Chief Executive Officer of a company and put him or her in the position of one of the company’s low-end workers.
Banyak kritikus tidak menyukai realitas TV tapi satu pertunjukan yang telah menerima ulasan yang sangat menguntungkan adalah Mengubah Places . Gagasan utama adalah sederhana. Ambil Chief Executive Officer perusahaan dan menempatkan dia dalam posisi salah satu pekerja low-end perusahaan .
2.      Donald Eisner is the CEO of the Absalon chain of hotels in Australia. His family have been hotel owners for three generations and are one of the wealthiest in the Australian hotel industry. In the programme, we see Donald Eisner working as a bellboy, cook and cleaner while supervisors monitor his performance, noting any mistakes. He has some triumphs, it is true. In the kitchen, he successfully cooks several pancakes, for example, and, as a housekeeper, he makes the beds correctly. The rest of his housekeeping, however, is not a success, as he fails to clean any rooms to the company’s required standards. At the end of the programme, we see his supervisor taking him from room to room, pointing out his mistakes.
Donald Eisner adalah CEO dari rantai Absalon hotel di Australia . Keluarganya telah pemilik hotel selama tiga generasi dan merupakan salah satu terkaya di industri hotel Australia . Dalam program ini , kita melihat Donald Eisner bekerja sebagai portir , cook dan bersih sementara pengawas memantau kinerja , mencatat kesalahan . Dia memiliki beberapa kemenangan , itu benar. Di dapur , ia berhasil memasak beberapa pancake , misalnya, dan , sebagai pembantu rumah tangga , ia membuat tempat tidur dengan benar . Sisa rumah tangga , bagaimanapun , adalah tidak sukses , karena ia gagal untuk membersihkan kamar dengan standar yang dibutuhkan perusahaan . Pada akhir program ini, kami melihat atasannya membawanya dari kamar ke kamar , menunjukkan kesalahannya .
3.      Alex Jennings runs a successful chain of steak bars called Wayside Inn. He has a reputation for demanding quality from his staff, both in terms of food and service. When he changes places wih some of his staff, we see him fail a number of tasks in the restaurant. As a waiter, he continually forgets to ask customers how they want their steaks to be done and mixes up the orders completely when he has to serve five tables at the same time. A few minutes later, disaster strikes when his tie becomes caught under the drinks of a tray! The next day, when he takes the place of the cook, his supervisor makes him redo several of the steaks.
Alex Jennings menjalankan rantai sukses steak bar disebut Wayside Inn . Dia memiliki reputasi untuk menuntut kualitas dari stafnya , baik dari segi makanan dan pelayanan . Ketika ia mengubah tempat wih beberapa stafnya , kita melihat dia gagal sejumlah tugas di restoran . Sebagai pelayan , ia terus-menerus lupa untuk meminta pelanggan bagaimana mereka ingin steak mereka harus dilakukan dengan mencampur adukkan perintah sepenuhnya ketika ia harus melayani lima meja pada saat yang sama . Beberapa menit kemudian , bencana melanda ketika dasinya menjadi tertangkap di bawah minuman dari nampan ! Keesokan harinya , ketika ia mengambil tempat juru masak , supervisor membuat dia mengulang beberapa steak .
4.      Now that their experience is over, are the CEOs thinking of making any changes? The answer is that they already have. “We have carried out several changes, like sorting the knives, forks and spoons, to make it easier for the person who washes the dishes,” says Mr Jennings. “We’re also redesigning the staff uniforms.” Mr Eisner found the experience even more of a shock. He is not only making changes in his hotels, like the policy on who orders new supplies of cleaning materials, but he also wants to create aChanging Places day at all Absalon Hotels so that all senior management can go through a similar process.
Sekarang bahwa pengalaman mereka sudah berakhir , adalah CEO berpikir untuk membuat perubahan? Jawabannya adalah bahwa mereka telah memiliki . " Kami telah melakukan beberapa perubahan , seperti penyortiran pisau , garpu dan sendok , untuk membuatnya lebih mudah bagi orang yang mencuci piring , " kata Jennings. " Kami juga mendesain ulang seragam staf . " Mr Eisner menemukan pengalaman bahkan lebih mengejutkan . Dia tidak hanya membuat perubahan dalam hotel itu , seperti kebijakan yang memesan persediaan baru bahan pembersih , tapi ia juga ingin membuat aChanging Places hari di semua Hotel Absalon sehingga semua manajemen senior dapat pergi melalui proses yang sama .

- Do you know any other examples of reality TV?
I know some American reality TV shows like ‘’Laguna Beach’’ where pupils are filmed and their Highschool life and everything arround them like friends, families and their dreams (what they want to do after the Highschool). Another American show is ‘’The Real World’’ which is like ‘’Big Brother’’ and some German shows like the ‘’Dschungelcamp’’ where VIP’s (of Germany) stay in a dschungel so it is the same like ‘’Big Brother’’ but just in the dschungel and other tasks they have to do.
- What do you think of it?
I think it’s just entertainment and useless because we just see how different people behave in different situations. We watch this shows because we want to see how this people do stupid things, how they argue and many other things like this. But it could be usefull for these people in the show because they learn a lot of social behaviour and they get to know other typs of caracters.

Complete this interview with Donald Eisner by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct form, using either the present simple or the present continuous. Sometimes you need to use the question or negative form.
Interviewer:    So, now you’ve experienced work in all these different hotel jobs. Which job 1 do you think (you think) is the most difficult?
Eisner:           I think housekeeping. Housekeepers 2 need (need) so much energy. They also 3 spent (spend) most of the time working by themselves, so it can be a very lonely job.
Interviewer:    4 Are you making (you make) any changes in your hotels now?
Eisner:           Yes, certainly. We 5 are reviewing (review) the policy on who orders the cleaning equipment. The present system 6 doesn’t work (not work) very efficiently. We 7 are also looking (also look) at a number of other hotel policies.
Interviewer:    Why 8 do you want (you want) other senior executives to have the Changing Places experience?
Eisner:           Because it’s such a good learning experience. It 9 is reminds (remind) executives that management decisions always have effects on other members of staff. Executives often 10 don’t realise (not realise) what these effects are.

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